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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kaspersky keys for KIS/KAV v.5.6,7,8 Full Download rapidshare ultimate keys download 100% working keys

+ trial a key for 90 days
+ a site for reception of a personal key for 3 months
+ a code of activation for KIS 7.0 for 1 year till 2.05.2009
+ a selection of keys to Kaspersky's products are checked up on 20.09.08
+ the instruction on installation of keys

The List of changes in version 1.5:
- It is refreshed CUCANCHIC KIS to version
- It is refreshed Keys manager 0.32
- A selection of keys to Kaspersky's products are checked up on 20.09.08
- It is added KasperskyKeyFinder 1.43
- It is added KasperskyAnti-Virus 7.0 Pre-Activated Install Generator (did not check)
- The instruction on activation by means of a key is added

click here to download keys for all